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My Beatport让你跟踪你最喜欢的dj和厂牌,这样你就可以知道他们什么时候发布新曲目。所以去追随别人吧!





      在过去的两年里,DJ/制作人/组织者Chris Cortez在荷兰迷幻音乐领域取得了长足的进步。这位来自阿姆斯特丹的艺术家通过荷兰唱片公司Fektive和excess使自己成为国际焦点,并于2011年与英国唱片公司Fraction签约。科尔特斯的事业正在迅速发展,他能够把他标志性的恍惚风格带到泰国、希腊、德国、马耳他、乌克兰和英国等国家。“在2009年至2011年的一些重大会议之后,他的事业进入了高速发展阶段,最近收到了来自最意想不到的地方的请求。”克里斯·科尔特斯的音乐根源可以追溯到90年代初,当时阿姆斯特丹是欧洲的迷幻中心。在Paradiso, Hemkade, Trance buddha, Melkweg和Mazzo等俱乐部,第一波恍惚浪潮席卷了整个国家,并最终在十年代末发展成海啸般的规模。以声音和风格的多样性为特征,这一时期对科尔特斯现在的声音产生了很大的影响。恍惚,渐进恍惚,科技恍惚,电子恍惚或恍惚,Cortez从来没有,也永远不会把自己束缚在一个单一的声音上。克里斯·科尔特斯除了保罗·奥肯福德、UMEK、桑德·范·多恩、朱尔斯法官、埃迪·哈利威尔、马可五世、约翰·达尔巴克和马塞尔·伍兹等大牌之外,还有十多年来一直在转圈。1998年,当trance在荷兰复兴时,Chris也开始了他作为派对组织者的职业生涯,因为他为后来的trance Nation奠定了基础。在荷兰首都的不同地方进行了几次成功的试运行后,该派对在赞丹的Hemkade俱乐部找到了一个家,这导致了一系列与舞蹈艺术的成功合作。这种让人恍惚的概念现在又回到了它独立的根源,在2010年经过阿姆斯特丹Westerunie场馆的短暂迂回之后,2012年在阿姆斯特丹的Club Sand找到了一个全新的家。 Cortez also remains the head honcho behind the Dutch editions of Gatecrasher in 2012 and is also working on some exciting new concept for the international club-scene. After taking a hard detour into hard trance and hard dance, Cortez’s sound took a strong U-turn in 2009 back to his old love. With the release of the critically acclaimed ‘FSOT (Future Sound of Trance)’ on DJ Fausto’s Excessive label - it felt as if he had never left. Dutch label Fektive Records hooked up with Chris, and together they delivered the tracks ‘Asha’ and ‘Blackwaltz’ in 2010. Next up were remixes for label-mates Carlo Calabro and George Acosta and the chance to mix the fifth edition of the ‘Submerge’ compilation series.Chris’s Fektive productions were picked up by BBC Radio One, which resulted in a global push including a Beatport Top 20 spot and a place on the Polish ‘Entrance’ compilation series. “As I’ve really found my way in the studio, there a several high-profile productions and remixes in the works for 2012.”In 2011 Chris Cortez made the leap to the U.K. label Fraction Records after the demise of his previous label. This new connection resulted in floor fillers like ‘Slipstream’ and ‘Loveless’, while ‘Down Under’ and the remix he did for Tigran Oganezov will be the first releases for 2012. Currently, this DJ/producer/organizer has an even more global future ahead of him, after signing with Dutch booking agency Future Focus Bookings. With a resume that includes high profile performances at God Save The Queen, Dance Valley, Gatecrasher, Judgement, Q- Base, Trance Nation, City Parade, Emporium and Impulz Festival, Chris is planning on taking more gigs, both national and international. His name is buzzing all over the world, as he is getting requests for remixes and performances from every part of the globe. “2012 promises to be my busiest year so far, both as a DJ, as a producer and as an organizer.”




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