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My Beatport可以让你关注你最喜欢的dj和唱片公司,这样你就可以知道他们什么时候发布新歌曲。所以去追随某人吧!





      他在安大略省北部地区长大,大部分的青春时光都是在大雪中度过的。他不像大多数北方人那样喜欢冰上钓鱼和科幻小说,温暖的季节是他户外活动的好时机。夏天会给他带来新生命,在那里他的游乐场是一个长满茂密森林的后院。他的家人经常从一个城镇搬到另一个城镇,只要能找到工作。他的父亲是一名伐木工和矿工,他总能找到工作养家,但这意味着年轻的波诺必须适应新的生活方式,辞职往往取决于他对音乐和艺术的兴趣,这占据了他过去的大部分时间。最后,他自己搬到了加拿大最南部,摆脱了漫长的冬天,摆脱了车道上到处都是小海豹和后院到处都是出没的熊的生活。在温莎,谢尔顿寻找艺术设计的职业,但很快发现音乐是激发他激情的新燃料。1994年,他开始了他现在的生活....生产技术。在底特律(离他曾经住的地方只有5分钟路程),他听到了蓬勃发展的新声音,他的耳朵里总是充满了这种新的音乐面包。从那里,Shelbono搬到了多伦多,那里的音乐正以国际视野发展。他搬到那里攻读音乐工程学位,学习更多关于培养自己声音的知识。 With a continued interest in post rock and independant rock music, he forged his old influences with the new to give life to a style he has branded as "ROCKNO". To Shelbono, Rockno is more then just his means to explore and define himself as an artist, to him, it is an actual unstable living, breathing being!. Its now out there on the loose.today for tomorrowStill Chugging, Shelbono currently lives in Cologne, Germany with at least 20 bars in walking distance. The closest one is where you might suspect to find him. With over 20 releases, 3 albums in 2004-2005 alone, the man with many faces is bounching and crashing his way around the world to bring new breath of sounds to dancefloors under the alias's of PAN/TONE (sub-static, sender/kompakt, 240 Volts), SID LeROCK (Ladomat2000, Mute) and GRINGO GRINDER (Onitor records). With steady output of releases's, He has seen one of his busiest years unfold with great success and this comes with previledges to see many new cities and meet many interesting like minded Profile Image (590x404)individuals. With more production under way for future releases under all names, Shelbono has been commitee to detoxing himself to better health to prepare himself again for 2006. The neighbours now find themselves lucky to be next to a producer preparing for his next album(s) in the midnight hours.




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